All Front Royal Midget Football League coaches are required to complete the following checklist of items no later than
June 01, 2024 in order to be eligible to practice with the teams. Once you have completed the checklist of items, please notify Mike Cressel via email at [email protected].
- Warren County Parks and Recreation background check. The form must be completed in person at the Warren County Community Center. Link below with contact information.
- Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) Double Goal Coach, Coaching for Winning and Life Lessons course. This course can be taken for free at Warren County Parks and Recreation or for a small fee online using the link below.
- USA Football, Heads Up Tackle Football certification. Make sure you associate yourself with Front Royal Midget Football when registering. You must associate yourself with the league in order for your completed certificate to validate.
- Register/ Signup as a coach at or you can select the "signup" button below. Make sure you use an active email address that you frequently check and provide a cell phone number that can receive text messages. All communication will be sent using that email address/ cell phone number.
- Register/ Signup as a coach at or you can select the "signup" button below. Make sure you use an active email address that you frequently check and provide a cell phone number that can receive text messages. All communication will be sent using that email address/ cell phone number.